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作者:甘红      进入个人主页      阅读:17918      更新:2022-05-27









                  An Engraver
                  --By Hong Gan


        If you’re not carved a thousand times,
        you will remain just a normal piece of wood.
        Without careful pruning,
        you can only be a stunted seedling.


        I am losing my strength holding a knife
        in the middle of a sick forest.
        People who planted these trees stare at me questioning: 
        I Just want them alive---you see, how delicate they are !


        The plague spread through the air
        The big trees were protecting the weak saplings like a spoiling mother
        How shall I enable the wisdom of the Sun to sneak in?
        And how can I make a tree stronger and better
        by carving with the knife of wind and the sword of frost?


         I had thought I could be a sculptor,
        or have a green thumb,
        or at least be a gardener with a pair of scissors.
        However, I am just a night watchman who can neither drive away the dark night nor awaken the dawn
        (May 27,2022)
