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作者:甘红      进入个人主页      阅读:28003      更新:2022-07-10






​        (2022-07-10)


The more your longing ,the fuller the Moon 
--By Hong Gan


Just as I was told,loneliness is the norm of life
I am sitting under the Moon
but you still can not find me
or maybe you forget why you are to search for me  


From the very beginning, I knew this swaying grass
I picture it in the hug of a cloud in the blue sky
I also devote myself to the wind,
which keeps whispering:I’ve abandoned a forest just for you


Long gone is the rainy season , whereas wheat is still green
Maybe the sun is not scorching enough
You see, the moon tonight is not fullfilled
Perhaps you aren’t yearning for me that much

(July 10,2022)
