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作者:甘红      进入个人主页      阅读:28294      更新:2022-03-29












Wind witnessed it all
--By Hong Gan


Skyscrapers, meticulously pointing upwards, clipped the sky 
The wind was rubbing a tree with its powerful soft fingers
Sitting on an iron bench,let the wind kiss my forehead
with its icy lips to its content


It’s no use talking, crying or ranting
I have no comforting words to share
This March,the burning wind was hardened with tears and blood
I listened to its choking moan till its grief flowed upstream like a river


9,000 metres in the air, it’s beautiful and clear
The clouds held 132 of you 
as if you were in mom’s cradle
In the sudden panic , the smiles were frozen on your faces


The flight crashed in a short moment and was gone
with parents’ care for their children... 
with lovers’ concerns for each other... 
with people’s persistent pursuit of careers…
with life’s longing for a promising future...


The wind whispered its testimony to me
Ashes witnessed the cold ness and crulty
The rain kept falling in the wind... 
The wind kept pressing the shutter to shot and freeze the tragedy... 


I covered my ears to keep it out! No! don’t tell me at all 
But the wind talks in a sign language, which I totally understand
This heart-breaking Qingming sees me praying in the wind 
wishing them a safe and sound trip to the other world
(May 2,2022)
